久违了,车友会的朋友们,虎哥发张近期三道堰拍的照片向大家问好。岁月似流水,静静地带走了白昼,带来了黄昏。人生像日夜,无论是否沐浴了旭日东升的明媚,品味了如日中天的辉煌,享受了日照西山的灿烂,终将归于平静。即便平淡一生,相信华灯初上之时,也有明月高悬——岁月如此静好。向过去道别,向未来问好——虎哥祝明锐车友会的TXM平安快乐。 Time is like river water, quietly flowingthrough all the day. Life,--like from day to night, no matter whether bathed in the sunrise,tasted brilliance in the bright sun, enjoyed glory in the sunset, always turnsto peacefulness.Even ifhaving a simple life, you should be surewhen lightsturn on at dusk,there is also a bright moon in the sky . So beautiful and peaceful days! Farewell to the past, hello to the future. a warm greeting from Tiger to members of MR auto club.
漂亮。。。。。。。。。。。 哎哟,你消失好久了。 漂亮~赞一个 疾速狂奔 发表于 2015-3-26 17:06
还健在。 好景致! 梦境一般,突然感觉这种景色里一定有很多静静的美女哦! 好图好文